Seeking to explore the socio-technical view on infrastructure, we look at the design process of water sensitive cities infrastructure in six informal settlements in Makassar, Indonesia.
Part 1
A photo-diary of Makassar is a glimpse into a formal and informal city that lies on a swampy estuary. From here, step intokampungs, places rich with life that rapidly change. Then, it is time to hear astoryof7toilets, as an introduction of a design problem: water entanglements.
Part 2 The design process that is focused on complex things and relations is notonly about thetoolsfordesigning. Designers, panritas, are getting lost and found inside the maze of perspectives. We should explore things that are not usually told: the making and humming.
Part 3
If the water sensitive infrastructure is to be integrated in many futures, it needs to start communicating. Hereis a
wetland that tells about her journey.